Facebook censura postagem de Babylon Bee em ‘Jeopardy!’ campeão como ‘discurso de ódio’

O logotipo do Facebook é exibido na feira de tecnologia CeBIT 2018 em 12 de junho de 2018, em Hanover, Alemanha. | Alexander Koerner/Getty Images

O Babylon Bee acusou o Facebook de rotular erroneamente um post referindo-se ao antigo “Jeopardy!” a campeã Amy Schneider um homem biológico como “discurso de ódio”.

Joel Berry, editor-chefe do popular site satírico cristão, foi ao Twitter na segunda-feira para compartilhar uma captura de tela de um artigo do Bee removido pelo Facebook.

A postagem era de 1º de janeiro e incluía um link para uma sátira do Babylon Bee com a manchete “Mulher trans quebra recorde de risco, provando de uma vez por todas que os homens são mais inteligentes que as mulheres”.

O artigo era sobre Schneider, uma mulher trans-identificada, passando a quantidade total de ganhos que uma mulher biológica ganhou em “Jeopardy!” durante o reinado de Schneider.

O Facebook teria dito ao Bee que a postagem “vai contra nossos padrões da comunidade sobre discurso de ódio” e que a postagem não será visível para outras pessoas.

acebook acabou de remover uma das postagens de @TheBabylonBee por “discurso de ódio”

“Facebook just removed one of @TheBabylonBee’s posts for ?hate speech,'” tweeted Berry in amusement, adding in a follow-up comment that he was “proud of this” and that it is “not often we manage to get transphobia and misogyny into one headline.”

Bee CEO Seth Dillon said in a statement posted on the affiliated website Not the Bee that he would appeal the decision labeling the post “hate speech.”

“Remember how Facebook recently rolled out new rules stipulating that ?real satire? cannot ?punch down Are they really willing to say that defending women against a male takeover of their records is ?punching down? and ? even worse ? ?hate speech We?re going to find out,” stated Dillon.

Facebook?s community standards define hate speech as a “direct attack against people ? rather than concepts or institutions? on the basis of what we call protected characteristics.” Those characteristics include race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity and disease.

“We define attacks as violent or dehumanizing speech, harmful stereotypes, statements of inferiority, expressions of contempt, disgust or dismissal, cursing and calls for exclusion or segregation,” the policy states.

The Christian Post reached out to Facebook for comment. A response is pending.

Facebook and Babylon Bee have periodically butted heads, with the social media site arguing that some posts from the satire outlet have been harmful in some way or another.

In 2020, for example, Facebook demonetized The Babylon Bee after posting a link to a satirical piece that made fun of Democratic U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii.

Titled “Senator Hirono Demands ACB Be Weighed Against A Duck To See If She Is A Witch,” The Bee was reportedly told by Facebook that their post “incites violence.”

“It?s literally a regurgitated joke from a Monty Python movie!” stated Dillon on Twitter back in 2020. “In what universe does a fictional quote as part of an obvious joke constitute a genuine incitement to violence? How does context not come into play here?”

Publicado em 23/02/2022 17h12

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